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Poultry Health Today lines up video interviews with leading poultry experts at IPPE

ATLANTA, Jan. 29, 2018 — More than two dozen poultry-health experts and trend watchers will be interviewed on camera over the next three days as part of Poultry Health Today’s news coverage of the 2018 International Production & Processing Expo, International Poultry Scientific Forum and the Southern Conference on Avian Diseases.

Poultry Health Today will tackle a wide range of topics with top opinion leaders, including independent poultry veterinarians John Smith, DVM; Steve Davis, DVM; Guillermo Zavala, DVM; and Charles Hofacre, DVM.

Other specialists visiting with Poultry Health Today include Greg Mathis, PhD, Southern Poultry Research; Randall Singer, DVM, University of Minnesota; Ashley Peterson, PhD, National Chicken Council; Phil Stayer, DVM, Sanderson Farms, and many more.

The informative conversations will be posted to Poultry Health Today’s colorful website and its mobile app, available through the App Store and Google Play, over the new few days and weeks.

Sponsored by Zoetis, Poultry Health Today is the industry’s only magazine and news website focused exclusively on poultry health.

The Poultry Health Today news desk is located at the Zoetis exhibit (C2341).  For free print and digital subscriptions, click here.


Posted on January 29, 2018


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