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... Focus on the details to ensure ILT vaccination success

TOOLBOX, Issue 35: An interview with Dale Gambrill, Senior account manager, Zoetis

... ILT vaccine choices: A closer look

With continued wild-type ILT challenges in the field, we are faced with a choice of two vaccine options with proven results — with different priorities affecting the final decision.

... Targeted adjuvants may improve recombinant ILT vaccination immune response

Vaccination might be effective in controlling ILT in broilers, but recombinant vaccines might not always provide an adequate immune response, according to scientists at North Caroline State...

... Details matter when it comes to ILT vaccination success

Attention to detail is key to successfully vaccinating broiler flocks against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), according to a poultry health expert.

... Pathways to protection: How one vaccine decision can affect options for managing other diseases in broilers

Broiler operations want to provide the best disease protection for the least cost, but deciding which vaccines to use and when can be a daunting task.

... Genomic sequencing could aid ILT control efforts in poultry

Molecular virology is already leading to discoveries that will improve management of ILT, according to Stephen Spatz, PhD, molecular virologist with USDA’s Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory,...

... Biosecurity, disinfection, downtime keys to better ILT control

Strict biosecurity is the best defense against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in broiler flocks, advises Maricarmen García, PhD, a professor at the University of Georgia.

... Sanderson Farms vet drawing new battle lines against ILT

Sanderson Farms growers have been asked to stop driving their farm trucks off the farm to help prevent outbreaks of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), according to Phil Stayer, DVM, head...

... Breaches in biosecurity: Sanderson Farms vet shares three valuable lessons

By Philip A. Stayer, DVM Corporate Veterinarian, Sanderson Farms, Inc.

... Managing ILT: Traditional CEO vaccines still provide ‘best protection’

John Glisson, DVM — professor emeritus at the University of Georgia and well-known respiratory disease specialist — talks about the ups and downs on infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in poultry...

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