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... IBD control in egg layers has unique challenges

By Daral J. Jackwood, PhD, Professor, The Ohio State University

... Molecular test helps identify pathogenicity in new strains of infectious bursal disease virus

A genetic technique which could help improve predictions about the virulence of infectious bursal disease (IBDV) has identified pathogenicity in seven new strains of the virus which causes an...

... How mutations, antigenic drift affect IBD management

Farms affected by variant infectious bursal disease (IBD) viruses may find that currently available IBD vaccines aren’t always effective, said Daral Jackwood, PhD, professor in food animal research...

... Infectious bursal disease: ‘It’s never black and white’

Daral Jackwood, PhD, a professor at Ohio State University, is best known in the US poultry industry as the go-to expert on infectious bursal disease (IBD). In an interview with Poultry Health Today,...

... IBDV: Management obstacles and options

By Daral J. Jackwood, PhD Professor, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine Food Animal Health Research Program Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center The Ohio State University

... Backyard flocks biggest risk for spreading vvIBDV in US

By Daral J. Jackwood, PhD Professor, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine Food Animal Health Research Program Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center The Ohio State University

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