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Updated VFD rule may help producers save money

The updated veterinary feed directive (VFD) rule that takes effect in January 2017 does not require veterinarians to indicate the amount of feed that needs to be manufactured — a decision made by FDA due to numerous public comments received before the rule was finalized.[1]

Current rules require VFDs to include the amount of feed manufactured. Eliminating this requirement under the new VFD rule gives poultry companies the option of using smaller amounts of VFD feed to first see how animals respond, FDA says.

If the response is good, the poultry company’s feed mill can make more of the medicated feed, provided the VFD has not expired.

If animals don’t respond as expected or consume VFD feed at a rate lower than originally anticipated, poultry companies can reduce the total amount of medicated feed needed for treatment, the agency says.

FDA doesn’t have data to estimate the reduction in feed costs to individual producers or to the total industry but believes the savings could be substantial.

Veterinarians writing VFDs will have to indicate the approximate number of animals to be treated with the approved VFD medication at approved dosage levels.



[1] Veterinary Feed Directive, Docket No. FDA-2010-N-0155. Final Regulatory Impact Analysis. Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. Unfunded Mandatets Reform Act Analysis. FDA.




Posted on September 12, 2016

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