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PHT Article Perspectives Cr2 186835380

PHT Perspectives captures highlights of timely poultry health discussions

Poultry Health Today has introduced a new editorial feature called PHT Perspectives, which provides quick-read highlights of recent webinars and roundtables organized by the editors.

For example, the highlights of a timely discussion, “Coccidiosis management: There’s always room for improvement,” with three coccidiosis experts is now available for free to all Poultry Health Today readers.  Simply click on the “Proceedings” link in the light gray menu bar on any page.

Navigational tools on the left side of the page make it easy to move between chapters.  On the right side, there’s a palette of tools for saving, printing and sharing the content.

Other topics include “Coming together for food safety,” where representatives from live production, processing, quality assurance and food safety shared ideas for taking an integrated, company-wide approach to managing Salmonella.

There’s also a roundtable discussion called, “Infectious bronchitis: Evolving strategies for an evolving virus.” Respiratory disease experts discussed the importance of finding the right combination of vaccines to cross-protect against emerging strains.

Another PHT Perspectives, “Optimizing immunity in ‘no antibiotics ever’ and ‘reduced-use’ broiler flocks,” looks at the importance of building strong foundational immunity in flocks receiving limited or not antibiotics..

More roundtable discussions will be added in the months ahead, according to the editors. Click here for a free subscription to the Poultry Health Today e-newsletter.



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Poultry Health Today has introduced a new editorial feature called PHT Perspectives, which provides quick-read highlights of recent webinars and roundtables organized by the editors.

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Posted on August 25, 2022


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