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‘Socially responsible’ food production stirs debate

The past few weeks have showcased the exploration of “socially responsible” food production and its consumer appeal, occasionally with contradictory findings, according to the latest edition of Influence Feed.

On March 17, Meatingplace (login required) published the findings of a 2014 study, which identified high levels of shopper interest in health and nutrition, sustainability, locally produced food, sustainable packaging, animal welfare and non-GMO.

Conversely, AgriMarketing reported an NPD Group study showing that two-thirds of primary grocery shoppers will not pay more for non-GMO food. Traditional frozen foods have suffered, opening the door for new innovations, as reported in Bloomberg, Quartz and Food Business News.

Recently, there’s been talk of increased demand for “natural” grocery chains in addition to the rise of traditional grocery chains with their own dedicated products

Visit Influence Feed for more industry trends and insights from key opinion leaders.


Posted on March 31, 2014

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