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VFD Extra Art

New VFD rule actually requires minimal review time, FDA says

This may be hard to believe given the voluminous government documents and trade journal publicity it’s generated, but FDA predicts its new veterinary feed directive (VFD) rule should actually require minimal time for stakeholders to review because the rule is “relatively straightforward.”[i]

The estimated 3,050 veterinarians who treat food-producing animals will most likely educate themselves about the rule by reading articles in trade journals, state agricultural newsletters or other trade publications. FDA estimates that this “will take no more than 1 hour,” according to an FDA impact analysis.

For the estimated 10,000 food-animal producers using VFD drugs, FDA expects it will take about one-half hour to familiarize themselves with the new rule by reading trade publication articles.

Administration review of the rule will take longer for feed mills (distributors) — about 4 hours, FDA estimates.



[i] Veterinary Feed Directive, Docket No. FDA-2010-N-0155. Final Regulatory Impact Analysis. Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. Unfunded Mandatets Reform Act Analysis. FDA.


Posted on May 19, 2016

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