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... More amino acids, feed aid broiler chicks vaccinated for coccidiosis

Feeding broilers a diet high in amino acids, along with more feed, can minimize the adverse effects on performance that sometimes occur after coccidiosis vaccination.

... 6 steps to increasing broiler feed intake

Making small management changes on poultry farms and tracking their effects can help increase feed intake and maximize profitability, according to a leading nutritionist.

... In ovo feeding predicted to drive genetic potential of birds in future

Feeding chicks in ovo and imprinting behavior through diet in the first days of life will help producers get the most from broilers’ genetic potential in future, says a leading poultry

... Change diets to reduce dust and ammonia in cage-free systems

Reducing protein, adding fiber and feeding supplements to poultry can help producers control ammonia levels inside cage-free housing.

... Optimizing diets could limit foot pad dermatitis outbreaks

Managing diets to improve litter quality could help limit incidence of foot pad dermatitis (FPD) in broiler chickens and turkeys, scientists say.

... What’s causing ‘woody breast’ in poultry?

A condition known as “woody breast” is puzzling US poultry scientists investigating why breast-muscle tissue from some broiler flocks is hard and tough instead of tender and juicy.

... Poultry specialist offers tips for managing gut health through better nutrition

Nutritionist Brett Lumpkins, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, Athens, Georgia, talks about antibiotic-free poultry production, the challenges it presents and how rations can be adjusted for better...

... Keys to successful ABF production

Poultry health experts at a recent industry roundtable offered these suggestions for successful antibiotic-free production

... Antibiotic-free broiler production requires a paradigm shift

Producers, veterinarians and nutritionists agree that antibiotic-free broiler production in the U.S. will place greater emphasis on farm management and nutrition.

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