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Magazine – Issue 4

Cover Art 196x263









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Cover Stories

Special Report


Expert Advice

Sound Science

  • Crowded Chickens 176x108
    High stocking density predisposes broilers to NE - High stocking density has adverse effects on broiler welfare and intestinal health and predisposes the birds to necrotic enteritis (NE), according to the results of an experiment conducted by researchers from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


Words & Numbers

The Last Word

  • The Last Word E1405783338162
    Editorial: Ignoring the 800-pound gorilla - With all the worries about avian influenza in the US and other major poultry markets, you’d think a magazine named Poultry Health Today would have made flu its cover story and surrounded the topic from every angle. But after much discussion, the editors decided to ignore the 800-pound gorilla in the chicken house — at least for this edition.

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