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VFD PO Training Module Ss288630611 Cr

USDA/APHIS launches VFD training module for health professionals

USDA/APHIS has introduced a new training module to help veterinarians and other health professionals get up to speed on the new veterinary feed directive (VFD) rules.

The agency’s National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) worked with FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine and Iowa State’s Center for Food Security and Public Health to create this training.

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the need for antibiotic stewardship regarding antibiotic resistance;
  • Understand the FDA’s regulatory oversight of animal drugs;
  • Describe the Federally-defined key elements of a lawful veterinarian-client-patient relationship;
  • Recognize the classes and uses of antibiotics requiring a VFD;
  • Describe the components of a complete VFD;
  • Understand the recordkeeping requirements associated with a VFD;
  • Apply expiration date and duration of use guidelines to a VFD; and
  • Locate additional resources related to VFDs.

In 2011, NVAP launched online, classroom, and hard-copy versions of APHIS Approved Supplemental Training modules required for veterinarians to renew their accreditation every 3 years.

“The audience for these modules, however, has proven to be much larger, including non-accredited veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and veterinary students from all over the world,” USDA said in its January 2017 announcement.

Module 29 Veterinary Feed Directive is free of charge and available here.

Posted on January 20, 2017

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