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... Management, vaccination keys to Salmonella prevention in cage-free egg layers

By John Brown, DVM, Senior technical services veterinarian, Zoetis

... Live-production management practices that help contain Salmonella

Avoidance of wet litter and well-timed feed withdrawal are two of several management steps that will help control the load of Salmonella going into the processing plant.

... Integrated plan with live production needed to meet new Salmonella standards

Poultry companies struggling to meet higher USDA standards for Salmonella need to increase control efforts in live production to help avoid the dreaded Category 3.

... Poultry experts identify weak links in live production that can compromise Salmonella control

Improved Salmonella control requires fixing weak links in live production that allow the pathogen to get into a flock, poultry experts advised during an industry roundtable.

... Refined carbs show promise as ‘sentinel’ for Salmonella control

Higher government standards for Salmonella control have put more pressure on poultry companies to reduce incidence on broiler farms and lower the pathogen load going into processing. 

... Options for Salmonella control in live poultry production

By Steven C. Ricke, PhD Professor, University of Arkansas Director, Center for Food Safety, Institute of Food Science and Engineering University of Arkansas

... Salmonella prevention requires teamwork between production and processing

Identifying the pathways of Salmonella contamination has poultry producers and processors looking for answers in every step of the process from the farm to table.

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