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... Producers eye vaccines, sanitation, biosecurity following new VFD rules

Increased use of vaccines and better sanitation and biosecurity are the two most common changes livestock and poultry producers are making in response to the loss of shared use antibiotics imposed by...

... Could GM technology produce the next generation of poultry vaccines?

Genetic engineering could unlock a new generation of vaccines that have the potential to tackle major poultry diseases more quickly and effectively, scientists say.

... Biosecurity ‘most important tool’ to limit avian flu risk

Improving poultry farm hygiene and biosecurity is critical to limiting the threat of avian influenza to the poultry sector, a leading influenza researcher has warned.

... Producer response to loss of antibiotics assessed in survey

Increased use of vaccines and better sanitation and biosecurity are the two most common changes livestock and poultry producers are making in response to the loss of shared use antibiotics imposed by...

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