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... Three keys to successful IBV control

Highly contagious and constantly evolving, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is notoriously difficult to control.

... Surveillance of circulating IBV types essential for disease control

Surveillance aimed at pinpointing the type of infectious bronchitis virus that’s circulating in poultry flocks is essential to control of the disease.

... Infectious bronchitis control: Understanding why it’s so difficult

By Mark W. Jackwood, PhD, Department Head, JR Glisson Professor of Avian Medicine, University of Georgia

... Can improper vaccination make IBV worse?

Improper vaccination not only fails to protect flocks from infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), but it can also make the problem worse, a leading poultry health expert says.

... Understanding the clinical picture key to effective IB control

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious coronavirus found in chickens worldwide that costs the US poultry industry millions of dollars annually.

... Infectious bronchitis: Better diagnostics key to more effective vaccination

Identification of variant infectious bronchitis viruses (IBVs) has improved with the development of a real-time PCR (qPCR) test that can distinguish the type of virus and determine if it’s vaccine-...

... Looming crisis for poultry: Finding and funding veterinarians

The poultry industry is rife with job openings for veterinarians that can’t be filled, according to Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia.

... Surveillance, careful vaccine selection tops “shoot-in-the-dark” strategy for IB control

Microbiologist Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia, urges producers not to “shoot in the dark” with infectious bronchitis vaccines and, instead, to focus on surveillance, monitoring and...

... UGA’s Mark Jackwood: Stop ‘shooting in the dark’ with bronchitis vaccination

Microbiologist Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia, urges producers not to “shoot in the dark” with infectious bronchitis vaccines and, instead, to focus on surveillance, monitoring and...

... PCR: A simple explanation

By Mark Jackwood, Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, Department of Population Health, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

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