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... Shedding light on LED lamps and dimmers: They’re not all a match

Getting the correct lighting is important in poultry houses to help maximize the birds’ genetic potential; however, too often there’s a disconnect between the LED lamps and the dimmers in...

... Study: Day length during brooding did not impact broiler performance

Extended day length during the brooding period is thought to benefit broilers’ long-term performance and well-being. However, a University of Georgia study has re-evaluated that idea.

... Light impacts behavior in cage-free aviaries

Birds can move out of the reach of the workers’ hands in a multi-tier aviary system, so employees have to climb into the system to get to them. Researchers from Michigan State studied light...

... Impact of lighting types on broiler performance

A study at the University of Delaware shows that broiler performance in terms of breast and body weights was similar for two poultry-specific LED lamps and incandescent lamps and better than for

... New studies examine effects of lighting on chickens

Two recent studies show that broilers perform better under LED lighting than fluorescent lamps while layer behaviour is affected by light wavelength.

... Research review: What’s new in poultry housing and equipment?

With animal welfare and the environmental aspects of food animal farming gaining more attention from the public and high feed prices focusing efforts on getting the best performance from poultry,...

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