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... UMN expert: Transparency, communication keys to mitigating the risks of HPAI

The US has a long history of effective disease control and has eradicated or remained free of many pests and agents even as they remain endemic in other parts of the world, said Carol Cardona, DVM,...

... UMN training program focuses on poultry company decision-making, during AI outbreaks

The University of Minnesota offers a training program to help poultry companies understand and prepare for avian influenza outbreaks.

... SFS program helping to identify best practices for HPAI risk assessments

The University of Minnesota’s Secure Food Systems team develops and publishes science-based risk assessments for the movement of poultry products from monitored (uninfected) premises in control...

... HPAI pushes holiday turkey prices to record highs

The widespread outbreak of Highly Avian Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) across the US is expected to push up the cost of turkeys to record highs this holiday season. What does CoBank say about the...

... HPAI prevention requires ‘buckle-up’ mentality to biosecurity

The only option for poultry farms to prevent an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is 100% adherence to biosecurity rules.

... Avian flu likely to re-emerge and threaten US poultry flocks this fall

US egg and turkey supplies took a hit from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) this spring as the wild-bird migration exposed domestic flocks to the virus.

... Avian flu strain behind recent outbreaks related but not identical to 2014-15 strain

The US poultry industry is on high alert following reports of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in both wild birds and commercial flocks in poultry-dense regions of the US market.

... With avian flu outbreaks, even the Easter bunny is hunting for eggs

The US egg supply is under pressure, first from the impact of Covid-19 and now due to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

... Lockdown mode urged with avian flu outbreaks in Mississippi and Central Flyways

A warning to tighten up biosecurity and reduce movement in and out of poultry houses was issued by Terry Conger, DVM, poultry health epidemiologist with USDA’s APHIS.

... Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Indiana commercial turkey flock

USDA's APHIS has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a commercial turkey flock in Dubois County, IN, the first confirmed case in commercial poultry in the US since 2020.

... Lessons from the Midwest’s 2015 avian flu outbreak

The 2015 outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Minnesota was the worst the US has ever seen. What has the poultry industry learned from this and other outbreaks?

... Highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza confirmed in US commercial turkey flock

A commercial turkey flock in South Carolina has tested positive for highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza (HPAI).

... Research: Highly pathogenic AI does not persist in wild birds

While the H5 avian influenza A virus that devastated some Midwestern poultry farms in 2014 to 2015 was initially spread by migratory waterfowl, evidence now suggests that highly pathogenic flu...

... Breaches in biosecurity: Sanderson Farms vet shares three valuable lessons

By Philip A. Stayer, DVM Corporate Veterinarian, Sanderson Farms, Inc.

... Isolates implicate humans in rapid spread of HPAI

A recent analysis of the viral isolates from all outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in North America points to humans and farm equipment as the leading carriers of the disease from...

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