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... Failure of maternal antibodies to protect against E. coli infection highlights need for early protection

New studies in broiler chicks show that maternal antibodies to Escherichia coli do not prevent infection.

... E. coli vaccination yields bottom-line benefits on South African broiler farms

New research from South Africa shows that vaccinating broilers against Escherichia coli is good not just for birds, but also for bottom lines.

... E. coli becoming more common with rise in ‘no antibiotics ever’ programs

With the removal of antibiotics in the hatchery in “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) programs, the bacterium Escherichia coli is becoming more of a problem at many broiler complexes.

... Vaccination helping to reduce mortality rates from E. coli in France’s layer flocks

Four out of five health problems in layer flocks in France are related to Escherichia coli, according to Jocelyn Marguerie, DVM.

... Live E. coli, Salmonella vaccines remained effective when used together in challenge study

Administration of a modified-live Escherichia coli vaccine along with a live Salmonella vaccine does not appear to affect the efficacy of either, indicate the results of a recent challenge study.[1]...

... Study shows value of E. coli vaccine in chickens

A live Escherichia coli vaccine provided a high level of protection to chickens challenged with the same E. coli strain as well as cross-protection against a different strain in a recent study...

... E. coli vaccine stable when rehydrated with diverse water types or combined with coccidiosis vaccine

A modified-live Escherichia coli vaccine remained “extremely” stable when rehydrated with diverse types of water and when it was combined with a coccidiosis vaccine, indicate the results of a...

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