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... What does it take to be a successful poultry grower? Experts share their views

Successful contract poultry farmers are hard workers, detail oriented and must literally serve as the gatekeepers of biosecurity, several experts and industry insiders say.

... Unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers tied to breeders

An unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers underscores the importance of obtaining a good history and input from bird caretakers, according to David French, DVM, a staff veterinarian...

... Sanderson vet shares thoughts on managing elusive reovirus, other gut diseases

Autogenous vaccines used in a reovirus vaccination program need to be updated relatively often to keep up with changes in the pathogen

... Easy mistakes to avoid when managing respiratory disease in poultry

A methodical approach to managing respiratory disease in poultry can help veterinarians avoid misinterpreting data and making mistakes, according to David French, DVM, Sanderson Farms.

... ‘Raised without antibiotics’ marketing has nothing to do with science

By David French, DVM Staff Veterinarian Sanderson Farms

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