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... Colibacillosis control in egg-laying chickens: A new tool in our toolbox

By Paul McMullin, MVB, MSc, DPMP, DiplECPVS, FRCVS, Consultant Veterinarian, Poultry Health International

... Four-year study highlights value of vaccinating turkeys against E.coli

Vaccinating turkeys against colibacillosis with the modified-live E. coli vaccine has economic and animal welfare benefits, according to a retrospective, 4-year study conducted on 37 French turkey...

... NCSU: Enterococcus co-infection makes colibacillosis deadlier in poultry

Researchers from North Carolina State University have found that when a particular strain of Enterococcus is found alongside E. coli in cases of avian colibacillosis, there is a higher rate of...

... Failure of maternal antibodies to protect against E. coli infection highlights need for early protection

New studies in broiler chicks show that maternal antibodies to Escherichia coli do not prevent infection.

... Lack of medications, veterinarians hamper turkey industry

The US turkey industry continues to be hampered by a lack of approved efficacious drugs, according to a 2017 survey. Since 2005, four medications have been withdrawn, leaving the industry without any...

... E. coli vaccine reduced colibacillosis lesions and mortality in turkeys

A modified-live Escherichia coli vaccine for turkeys was demonstrated to be safe and effectively reduced the incidence of lesions and mortality due to colibacillosis, according to recent studies.

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