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... Getting the best out of bioshuttle programs

By Jon Schaeffer, DVM, PhD, senior director, Technical Services, US Poultry, Zoetis

... World poultry industry still struggling with necrotic enteritis

NE remains a formidable challenge in broilers raised without antibiotics, and preventing the disease means steering clear of predisposing factors and implementing a rigid coccidiosis-control plan.

... Early exposure to Clostridium protects birds from necrotic enteritis

Early exposure to Clostridium perfringens in used litter may be a way to minimize the impact of necrotic enteritis (NE) in broilers, Steve Davis, DVM, told Poultry Health Today.

... Coccidiosis control, litter management key to NE prevention in broilers raised without antibiotics

Good coccidiosis control and litter management are the two most important steps producers can take to prevent necrotic enteritis (NE) in flocks raised without antibiotics.

... Clostridial dermatitis: Why is it so prevalent in turkeys?

Skin lesions in turkeys open the door to Clostridium infections and clostridial dermatitis, the most important disease in the turkey industry, according to a study by Kakambi Nagaraja, PhD,...

... Deadly duo: Study shows link between E. maxima, Clostridium

New research by Callie McQuain, DVM, veterinarian and grad student at the University of Georgia, substantiates anecdotal field experience indicating that Eimeria maxima is the type of coccidia that...

... Broiler study shows challenges and potential of drug-free production

Broilers raised in a drug-free program had a higher feed-conversion ratio (FCR), decreased mean daily weight and decreased mean live marketing weight despite administration of antibiotic

... Potential link found between DDGS, necrotic enteritis in broilers

USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at Auburn University, Auburn, Ala., that found a potential link between feeding DDGS and necrotic enteritis...

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