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... First seven days are crucial in ensuring layer chick quality

Chick quality is crucial in the laying-hen business, and for Ian Rubinoff, DVM, director of global technical services for Hy-Line International, the first 7 days “have an outsized importance.”

... As seasons change, hatchery ventilation is key chick-quality concern

TOOLBOX, Issue 26: An interview with Chris Williams, PhD, Director, Technical Services Devices, Zoetis on the impact of hatchery ventilation on chick quality.

... Chick quality vital to no-antibiotics-ever success, consultant says

Focusing on chick quality from the moment eggs enter the incubator is critical to ensuring birds have the best chance of being healthy and productive in no-antibiotics-ever (NAE) systems.

... Ensuring chick quality in NAE production

The increase in 7-day chick mortality that has come along with the elimination of antibiotics requires a focus on containing bacteria that start in the layer house.

... Five opportunities to optimize gut health, minimize necrotic enteritis in broilers

By Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, MAM, MS, DACPV Pecking Around Consulting, Inc. Madison, Ala.

... Preventing infection, dehydration helps ensure good chick quality

By Philip A. Stayer, DVM Corporate Veterinarian, Sanderson Farms, Inc.

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