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... Cutting ionophore use could do more harm than good, veterinarians warn

SOUND SCIENCE: Removal or reduction of ionophores for the control of coccidiosis in poultry could lead to increased antibiotic use, higher production costs and negative impacts on climate-change...

... Antibiotics and the poultry industry: What’s next?

Nearly 6 in 10 broiler chickens in the US are now raised without antibiotics. Is this all-or-nothing strategy necessarily a good trend? And what precautions need to be taken?

... Nearly 60% of US broilers now raised without antibiotics, but that number may have peaked

Nearly six in 10 US broilers were raised without antibiotics of any type in 2019 — but that number may have peaked.

... Natural disease resistance could be bred into chickens, scientists say

Selecting birds that are naturally more resistant to disease could help the poultry industry reduce antibiotics use in the future, say researchers.

... More poultry research focusing on antibiotic alternatives

The poultry industry’s focus on alternative approaches to managing gut health should help preserve the efficacy of the few remaining antibiotics it has available, said Donna Carver, DVM, PhD.

... Farmers told to ‘stick to guidelines’ for antibiotics as experts question conventional usage

UK farmers and veterinarians have been told to continue to follow prescription guidelines for treating animals with antibiotics after a group of health experts suggested current guidance needed to be...

... Livestock farming standards to get boost under antimicrobial-resistance plan

The European Commission has unveiled plans to promote better global livestock farming standards in a bid to combat the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in animals and humans.

... Five-year plan launched to limit Hong Kong’s poultry antibiotic use

Hong Kong has launched a five-year action plan to reduce the amount of antibiotics used by farmers and limit the threat of antimicrobial resistance in the city.

... Superbug warning over India’s poultry antibiotics use

The use of antibiotics for growth promotion in Indian poultry production is helping to breed bacteria that are highly resistant to most antibiotics, scientists have warned.

... Judicious antibiotic use key to animal and food health

Encouraging responsible of antibiotics rather than banning them entirely is vital to maintaining animal health and producing healthy food supplies, say agricultural and veterinary leaders.

... Poultry sector must adapt to “antibiotic-free” demands

US poultry producers must start to prepare for producing birds without the use of antibiotics, according to a leading poultry scientist.

... FDA: Some antibiotics still OK for production purposes

New FDA guidelines that discourage using medically important antibiotics for promoting growth in food animals appear to have been well-received by both producers and most consumer activists. Change...

... FDA to require species-specific sales data on antibiotics used in food animals

Drug companies will have to break down their antibiotic-sales data by species in their annual reports to FDA, according to a new rule issued by the agency.

... Still confused about VFDs? Panel brings clarity to new rules

More than 1,000 representatives from the US poultry and livestock industries attended a recent webinar to get a better handle on the FDA’s new rules for the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD).

... Tyson Foods balancing antibiotic use, animal stewardship

Tyson Foods aims to remove all human-used antibiotics from poultry production but will make exceptions for sick poultry when no other treatment would be effective.

... How sweet it is: Maple syrup aids antibiotic performance

Recent research shows that bacteria become more susceptible to antibiotics when the antibiotics are combined with a phenolic-rich maple syrup extract.

... Antibiotic use in the U.S. poultry industry

By C.S. Roney, DVM, MAM Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center University of Georgia, Athens, GA

... FDA Releases Biannual Progress Report on Judicious Use of Antimicrobials in Food-producing Animals

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today its second progress report on its strategy to promote the judicious use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals.

... Prevention claims essential for ensuring flock health, welfare

New FDA guidelines that discourage using medically important antibiotics for promoting growth in food animals appear to have been well-received by both producers and most consumer activists.

... Media consultant: Let poultry vets tell the antibiotic story

The U.S. poultry industry needs to do a better job telling its story about antibiotics and their role in sustainable production and flock welfare, according to Frank Singleton, a media consultant...

... Leading welfare, food-safety groups urge chicken Industry to reduce antibiotics responsibly

ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and Center for Food Safety: "Eliminating the routine use of [antibiotics] without addressing the birds’ underlying health problems...

... Industry roundtable: Raising poultry without antibiotics

Antibiotic-free poultry production remains uncharted territory that’s yielding varied results, a few surprises and an ethical dilemma for veterinarians, poultry experts said at an industry...

... Action on antibiotics

In a March 3 announcement, McDonald’s said that while it would only source chicken raised without antibiotics important to human medicine, “the farmers who supply chicken for its menu will...

... Roundtable highlights: Raising poultry without antibiotics

Antibiotic-free poultry production remains uncharted territory that’s yielding varied results, a few surprises and an ethical dilemma for veterinarians, poultry experts said at an industry...

... AAAP-AVMA antimicrobial guidelines stress good management, judicious use

Recent guidelines from the American Association of Avian Pathologists and the American Veterinary Medical Association outline the judicious therapeutic use of antimicrobials while focusing on the...

... Doing a 180: A little education goes a long way toward changing customers’ attitudes about antibiotics

Back in 2008, Pfizer Animal Health (now Zoetis Inc.) conducted market research to get a better handle on consumer opinions about the use of antibiotics...

... Being more transparent: Media experts offer tips to poultry companies

Between fast and easy Internet access, hundreds of cable channels, the explosion of social media, the rise of “citizen journalism” and the emergence of new digital news hubs and blogs, keeping...

... Media specialist: ‘Get on the same message’ with poultry antibiotics, other topics

The poultry industry needs to “get on the same message” when talking about judicious antibiotic usage and other production topics, says Bryan Reber, PhD, a professor of public relations at the...

... Food industry consultant urges poultry industry to engage, educate customers through social media

Today’s consumers are smarter, more engaged and “assume a certain amount of control over the things in their lives that they feel passionate about” says food industry consultant Frank...

... Antibiotics in livestock and poultry production

Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in humans and animals are some of the most complex topics that reporters are asked to cover. Being mindful of key words and statistics can help reporters...

... New antibiotic initiatives spark more debate in Washington

The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology released a report Sept. 18 on combating antibiotic resistance, which accompanied the president's executive order to create a government...

... Author of California bill defends using antibiotics to prevent disease

California lawmakers passed SB-835 (Food animals: medically important antimicrobial drugs), which mirrors the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Guidance 213 (covered in Influence Feed edition "Real...

... Should antibiotics be used to prevent disease in poultry?

Three veterinarians explain why they think it's a sensible and ethical thing to do with certain diseases.

... Should antibiotics be used to prevent disease in poultry?

Using antibiotics to prevent — not just treat or control — certain diseases of poultry is a sensible, responsible and ethical practice, according to three veterinarians featured on an industry...

... Reality check: Oft-cited antibiotic-usage figure mixes numbers from two reports

Confidently presenting facts — not defensive rhetoric — can go a long way toward shaping consumer opinions about commercial poultry production and the importance of maintaining flock health,...

... Reality check: 87% of antibiotics used in animals rarely used in human medicine

Confidently presenting facts — not defensive rhetoric — can go a long way toward shaping consumer opinions about commercial poultry production and the importance of maintaining flock health,...

... Five federal bills seek to curb on-farm antibiotic use

Although FDA has introduced new guidelines for using feed antibiotics in poultry and livestock, some members of Congress would like the industry to go a few steps further.

... Specialists discuss impact of new FDA guidelines

In anticipation of the new FDA guidelines for antibiotic usage, Zoetis, Inc., teamed with Watt Global Media to organize a panel discussion about the future of antibiotics in poultry. Following are...

... Veterinarians define judicious antibiotic use in poultry

With antibiotics, deciding when to use them is as essential as determining how much.

... Using antibiotics to improve flock performance

Low doses of some antibiotics can help maintain a healthy flock without increasing drug resistance, according to a University of Minnesota veterinarian.

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