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Sustainability tops list of poultry topics during first half of 2014

Sustainability was the most highly discussed topic in the US poultry industry during the first half of 2014, according to an analysis by Influence Feed.

“After analyzing tens of thousands of communications, some clear leading topics emerged among influencers in 2014,” reported the latest issue of Influence Feed, a biweekly newsletter from the US poultry business of Zoetis that tracks the most prominent issues, events and conversations affecting the industry today.

“Large food companies faced scrutiny from consumers and activist groups calling for ingredients to be derived from more sustainable sources,” reported the newsletter, which culls output from more than 1,200 “most influential voices across all segments of food and agriculture.”

Other hot topics in the first half of 2014 were food regulation, genetically modified organisms, organic food and foodborne illness.

For more information about Influence Feed and its recent analysis, go to influencefeed.com.

Posted on July 18, 2014

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