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Less than 30 days and counting before new VFD rules take effect

Veterinarians, feed mills and poultry producers are into the final stretch and now have less than 30 days to prepare for the new veterinary feed directive rules that take effect January 1, 2017.

It’s a good time for everyone to review medication needs and ensure they have the VFD forms they need to ensure a smooth transition after the new year.

Still confused about the new rules?

For starters, check out VFD Extra — a series of quick-read articles that explores the key points of the new VFD regulations.

You’ll also want to visit the VFD Library, where you can read or download valuable reference publications about the VFD.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to have some fun.  You can test your knowledge with the VFD Quiz.

And finally, remember to keep your eye on the clock.  VFD Countdown will be ticking off the days, hours and minutes before the new rules take effect.  It’s there to help you budget your time.

Posted on December 1, 2016

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